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In Twitter Meltdowns Not Named Kanye West, Martin Shkreli Claims Someone Stole 15 Million Dollars From Him When He Was Trying To Buy The New Kanye Album

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Well this isn’t fun anymore. There is a fine line between supervillian troll that makes everyone on the internet angry (raising the price of life saving drugs, having a very punchable face) and this. This is just insanity. Claiming you got 15 million dollars stolen from you because you bought Kanye’s new album from some dude named Daquan? Come on man. We’re supposed to believe you just sent someone millions of dollars in bitcoin and expected the album in return? I want to play along as well but this is too far. Go back to being a real troll that has a little believability and I’ll go back to caring. The minute you enter that Amanda Bynes territory where nothing makes sense and your twitter rants are purely done for attention is the minute I stop caring.





Hank is emailing with Martin trying to negotiate a slap off between the two of us. I’m not joking. I put it at a 1% chance of every happening but it’s at least being discussed.