Bloomsburg University Sorority Chick With A Big Time Mean-Girls Facebook Post About No Ugly Bitches Allowed

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First of all nothing here is any sort of secret whatsoever. Sorority girls judge you on your looks. Non sorority girls judge you on your looks. Girls are judged on their looks by other girls always, in every situation. If these Bloomsburg bitches only want to let hotties in their house then that’s their prerogative. Maybe it’s harsh seeing it written out like this but it’s the cold hard truth, the sooner you get used to it, the more your eyes will be open to the real world.

This Mean Girl will learn though. It’s the personality girls that make or break your sorority. The super fun ones who come to your mixers and are the first ones to hit the keg, to set up the flipcup tables and get everybody organized, to go shot for shot and beer for beer with the biggest meathead bros in your frat. The cool ones who are always down to drink any time any place. That’s who the bros get tight with and will text to set up parties…with the expectation you’ll bring a crew of your hot sorority sisters with you. See how that works?

Just saying, I bet AST and their weird looking girls are slaying.

[h/t TFM]