Let Predators' Craig Smith Tell You A Quick Tale Of Redemption

Tonight’s Nashville vs Montreal game went to 3-on-3 overtime and in that overtime, Predators forward Craig Smith had the game winning goal gift wrapped and put on a platter for him. But as you saw in the video above, he somehow managed to miss what was one of the easiest tap-ins in hockey history. In case you still can’t figure out how he managed to miss the back of the net here, take a closer look.

That feeling when you’ve been talking to a girl at the bar all night, think that you have yourself a layup and then at last call she finally tells you that she has a boyfriend. We’ve all been there before. Some of us more than others. But yeah, what an idiot. He flubs on the shot and ends up saving the puck himself with his own stick. But luckily for Craig Smith, that’s not where his night ended. Because Craig Smith is here to tell you a story of failure, he’s here to tell you a story of redemption, and he’s here to tell you a story of how to make sure that you don’t becomean internet meme the next day.

Silky smooth hands on that one and just like that, the nightmare was avoided. Preds get the win and Craig Smith gets himself off the hook. Until the next time, that is. Because Craig Smith is beginning to make a habit of this.

Last thing before we wrap up here because this will be very interesting to follow.


Dale Weise is going to be traded at some point over the next 6 days. Now I don’t think that the Montreal Canadiens would lie about him having the flu just to hide a trade. But all I’m saying is that I wouldn’t be too surprised to wake up at 3 this morning to Bob McKenzie breaking a Dale Weise trade. Just something to keep in mind.
