The One Night Stand Dude From The Gronk Cruise Is Back And Apparently Not A Huge Jay Cutler Fan






I can’t wrap my head around this guy. One second he’s telling everyone he’s fucked 600 girls  because someone started a rumor he had a big dick in college and the next he’s bashing Jay Cutler for an absolutely absurd reason. Not because he’s a Bears fan or because he’s a McCown guy or any of that. Nope, all because he was at Toby Keith’s restaurant 2 years ago in Rosemont and Jay Cutler said no one understands the rules of NFL overtime. It’s such a blatant lie that I’m now beginning to think it’s true.  How do you even create a story like that? I think he may be talking about a radio show on Waddle and Silvy. Yet he made it seem like he was just chilling with Cutler talking about the ins and outs of NFL Overtime. This guy may be the most fascinating random character from a video since NookieChat guy. Need the full story.