There Is Controversy In Mexico After Viewers Were Concerned Famous Hot Weather Girl Yanet Garcia Got Ass Implants

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Daily Mail – Ms Garcia, who worked as a model before landing her weather job, sparked a heated debate with her eye-catching looks

One critic branded her the girlfriend of Donald Duck [ED. NOTE: She has a name you monsters and it’s Daisy…also this is a weird analogy] and another claimed she’d stuffed a pillow down her dress.

Another joked: ‘Sue your surgeon. He’s botched this one.’

Lynette Quintanilla, voicing the criticism Ms Garcia has long come in for about being too distracting, said: ‘If this woman was a true professional she would pay more attention to her job and not her tight dresses. What a shame that she takes pleasure out of the fact people speak about her butt and not how well she does her job.”


And her rebutt(lol)al:


TMZ – Yanet tells TMZ she hasn’t had any work done on her trunk as many of her fans — she has 1.6 million on Instagram alone — believed after she posted a clip of herself doing her weather thing in a tight black dress.

Yanet is chalking up the rumors to camera angles, which she’s definitely a pro at working to her advantage.


As is usually the case, I’m going to take the side of the hot girl with the big ass. But not even necessarily because I’m so confident she didn’t get ass implants. Moreso because I think if anyone deserves a bit of ass courtesy, it’s this Yanet Garcia chick. She’s 25-years-old and I’m pretty sure she’s been famous for like five years like some of the other famous Telemundo girls before her. And if there’s one thing they know about their brand, it’s Dat Ass. 1.5 million Instagram followers tuning in for her booty and one of the highest rated Mexican news shows all because it’s stuffed into Saran Wrap on a nightly basis while she pretends to know basic meteorología. So implants, more squats, increasing her oat intake, whatever she’s doing, it works and she knows that’s the entirety of her #brand. You’ve got to trust the butt process.


Plus she’s right about the angles. The worst case I ever saw was at my old job and there was some girl who was an Instagram model before everyone was an Instagram model and she had started to get popular online. But as a keen observer of big girl tricks (Tinder blog life didn’t come easy), I knew something was up and that she wasn’t 1/10th as hot as she seemed and we had debates over it in the office. Fast forward a few months and I was at some alcohol company’s event in Times Square where they had a fake beach setup and they hired a bunch of Instagram model girls to be ball girls and I find out from Twitter in advance that one of them is this girl. I went to the event and we were doing a video with Kevin Love that never ended up running when all the ball girls came out in a line for some crowd interaction thing, a bunch of 5’7-5’10 girls in black alcohol company-branded tank tops and bikini bottoms looking very toned and sexy. And at the end of the line stood one 5’2 blonde chick who literally resembled a walking globe. Big tits, big ass, okay face, all the stuff you need to look cute on Insta but just not at all designed to be a model IRL in any venue. Eventually enough people figured the tricks out so she started to position herself as a “plus-size model” but for a while there, she was nailing those angles hard and everyone bought in. Angles: How do they work?


Anyway here’s more pics of Yanet Garcia’s ass to judge whether blah blah Friday pageviews blogging:


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