Reader Email - My 6 Year Old Nephew Told Me To Suck His Dick



Reader Email

Yo Pres,

Was at Easter dinner tonight and a situation occurred I thought you could give some insight on.

6 year old nephew and I are doing the thing just goofing around and he goes right to my face and says “suck my dick”.

What would your response be to this?

Narc on him?

Tell him ” no you suck my dick”?


Thanks in advance.

Ps. Be a pal and send a Bieber sex drugs rock n roll shirt

D-man in Ottawa



Wow. Usually I feel like I have the perfect answer to every question ever asked in the history of mankind. With this one I really don’t. I don’t know what I’d do here if a 6 year old told me to  “suck my dick”.  I don’t think you can Narc on him because that makes you a Narc. And you’ll always be the asshole cousin who Narc’s on people. But at the same time you can’t let him get away with it. I think the only move here is to wrestle him and put enough pressure on him where it hurts and tell him to apologize or else you’re gonna break his arm or something because that type of language is unacceptable. I’m not convinced that’s the right move, but it’s the only thing I got.