Nothing Says Happy Easter Like A Card From Your Kid That Looks Like A Vagina

Easter egg, shmeaster egg. That kid can play dumb all he wants. But he knows that he drew his mom a card with a pussy on it for Easter. I don’t know why he did it. Maybe it was a dare. Maybe he loves female anatomy. Maybe he just loves drawing vaginas like Jonah Hill loved drawing dicks in Superbad. But that right there is a vagina, folks. There are a couple hairs, the ummm outer part, what appears to be the inner part, and then the part where you stick your dick in before severely underwhelming the poor girl. Sorry, I’m really not good with vagina anatomy. Or #sex stuff in general. But that is a paper pussy if I’ve ever seen one.  So congrats to this kid for being Paper Pussy Guy to all of his classmates for the rest of his life.  People don’t forget.