Protest Season Still Going Strong: Ohio State Students Try To Stage A Sit-In Until Their Demands Are Met For Better Food and Energy Management

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH)A group of students at The Ohio State University staged a sit-in and protest Wednesday night inside of Bricker Hall.

OSU Police stood guard at each door of the building that houses President Michael Drake’s office. The students, who represent close to a dozen on-campus organizations, demanded that university leadership address their concerns on issues such as diversity, sexual assault, and the university’s budget.

They said they want university leadership to foster an environment that reflects the needs and concerns of students, and have released a list of demands.

Students said they planned to stay inside the building all night. According to a Facebook post by Real Food OSU around 9:20 p.m., a group of 50 students were still inside and planning to stay overnight.

Those plans were cut short around midnight, when protesters said they were forced to leave under threat of arrest and expulsion.

Someone is heard asking, “what do you mean by clear the room?”

Kasey replies, “our police officers will physically pick you up and take you to a paddy wagon and take you to be arrested.”

Wait they cut the sit-in short because of the threat of arrest? What the fuck? What kind of pansy ass protest is this? I remember when people believed in the causes they were standing up for and didn’t just do it for social media attention and out of a misplaced sense of entitlement that the world should give them everything they want at all times. You used to have to literally drag protesters to jail because they stood so strongly for their issues. Now I guess you just raise your voice and show your badge and they scamper back to their dorm rooms their parents pay $25K-$43K for.

Oh and just so we’re clear these protests are not about racism. Here are their demands.

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Bahahahaha! College kids DEMANDING…not asking, not requesting, but demanding…that they be allowed to determine where their school invests its money. Demanding they immediately divest from any company that does business with Israel. Something about Energy that I don’t really get but does not seem nearly important enough to protest. And saving the best for last…demanding locally sustainable food. They’re staging sit-ins to have their school cafeteria be an organic farm-to-table dining experience I guess?

Got to give a standing O to the Ohio State VP here. Marching right into the middle of their safe space and saying get out before we arrest the shit out of you.

Oh yeah, update to your demands, feel free to tweet it out, don’t even have to credit me.

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