1/4 Of Americans Apparently Believe The Sun Revolves Around The Earth...25%!!!


TIME – Does the Earth go around the sun, or does the sun go around the Earth? When asked that question, 1 in 4 Americans surveyed answered incorrectly. Yes, 1 in 4. The survey, conducted by the National Science Foundation, included more than 2,200 participants in the U.S., AFP reports. It featured a nine-question quiz about physical and biological science and the average score was a 6.5. Here’s the thing, though: Americans actually fared better than Europeans who took similar quizzes — at least when it came to the sun and Earth question. Only 66 percent of European Union residents answered that one correctly.

America…FUCK YEAH? Or not. 25% is a lot. I guess you can throw out the George Carlin mantra of “Think of how stupid the average person is and realize half of them are stupider than that”, and it would make me feel a lot better. But it doesn’t. Our only hope a quarter of this surveyed bunch didn’t pass the 2nd grade or a normal chromosome reading. I’m not insinuating bringing back any sort of 3/5th Compromise based on race, but if people who answer this question wrong had their vote count for 1/4th of a person, I think it may be better off in the long run for the good ol’ US of A. Either that or round up everyone who doesn’t know the Earth revolves around the Sun and banish them to Florida. That state’s a lost cause anyways. Probably has 20 of the 25% living there to begin with.

Also, suck it Europe. It’s going to be rough when we’re all forced to team up against the 20 billion Asians in the near future of which have already mastered the likes of arithmetic and literacy. Until then, ignorance is bliss baby.