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Chinese Doctor In A Bit Of Trouble After He's Seen Smoking A Cigarette While Examining A Patient

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SCMP- A doctor in central China has been fined and suspended from work for a week after he was caught on camera smoking while examining a patient, according to a news agency report. The medic was strongly criticised on social media after a video showed him pinching a cigarette between his fingers while apparently adjusting a medical scanning device, the China News Service reported. A representative of his employer, the central hospital in Maji in Henan province, said the doctor, who was not named, had breached a smoking ban and damaged the image of the medical centre. “He has also harmed the emotions of our patient and triggered fears among his family,” the representative was quoted as saying. The doctor was fined 2,000 yuan (HK$2,400) by the medical centre and barred from working for a week.




Kinda love this guy. He’s a throwback. Fuck your regulations that say doctors can’t smoke in front of their patents. The man needed a smoke. Not his fault a patient just happened to need an exam at the same time. And while we’re at it, fuck the regulations that say people can’t smoke in bars and restaurants. It’s bullshit and I don’t even smoke. We’re all adults here. Let people smoke. Or at least leave it up to the restaurants and bars to decide if they’ll allow their patrons to smoke or not. Don’t make it a law. That way, people can pick and choose what bar or restaurant they want to go to depending on whether they wanna deal with smoke or not. Sometimes I just wanna walk into a dirty nasty dive bar and get bombarded with smoke as soon as I walk in. I should have that option available to me. Same goes for doctors. You want the lame doctor who doesn’t smoke or the Joe Cool doctor who lights up a menthol while he checks your colon? Think you gotta go with the cool doctor.


Big fan of this punishment as well


The doctor was fined 2,000 yuan (HK$2,400) by the medical centre and barred from working for a week.


Pay a couple grand and stay outta the office for a week. That works. If this had happened in America? There would be anti-smoking protestors outside this guy’s house and office pressuring him to quit.