A Thugged Out Lesbian Got Kicked Out Of A Public Bathroom By Cops Who Wouldn't Buy That She Wasn't A Man


So this one seems kind of topical given the controversies in North Carolina and other states recently. And it’s definitely fucked up because this woman, though thuggish and possibly mentally disabled, 100% looked like a woman. How the cops, both the female and male ones, could get that close to her and not see that she was a woman kinda blows my mind. I get it can be sort of confusing when the various LGBTQ3.14159 problems come up but sometimes it’s just incredible incompetence that makes these situations a million times worse. You should have to be able to spot appropriate genders on a quiz 10/10 times before being hired. Or at least watch an episode of Orange Is the New Black to familiarize with the concept of thuggish lesbians so we don’t have a repeat of this video. But overall there are bigger issue things that people need to work through, can’t be fucking up on the basics like this.


Also honestly if I’m someone building an establishment of any type right now anywhere across the country, I’m going individual private bathrooms without a doubt. Save some money on plumbing costs and avoid the risk of any sort of bathroom based dramatics that could arise. Just not worth the headaches to let people defecate next to each other any more outside of Brazilian pornography. Damn shame.