Jimmy Fallon Told An A+ Story About The Time Prince Wanted To Play Him In Ping Pong



I swear to god every Prince story I’ve heard over the last week is better than the last. It obviously sucks the guy died but you can’t deny that it has been AWESOME hearing all of the Prince stories that have been shared. Any interaction anyone had with the guy seems to have been weird and bizarre and noteworthy. That’s how you know you’re a star among stars. When anybody who meets you remembers exactly what happens. It helps that Prince was a weirdo who made every interaction memorable. It’s a lot like Bill Murray. Everybody who meets Bill Murray has a different-but-awesome experience. But Prince even more so because I’m pretty sure that guy was closer related to unicorns than humans. That doesn’t make sense but it does when talking about Prince.


This Talib Kweli story might be my favorite


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That Jimmy Fallon one is right up there though. Why did Prince want to play Jimmy Fallon in ping pong? Why? It makes no logical sense other than Prince thought Jimmy would be fun to play ping pong with. And that’s exactly the point. None of it makes any sense at all.  He was a mythical creature that didn’t have to make sense. I want all of the Prince stories complied into a book and sold. Every single person would buy that book.


PS- Fallon does a pretty good Chris Rock.


Double PS- Why the fuck does Susan Sarandon have a ping pong club?