People Love Bald Eagle Live Streams Until Momma Eagle Brings Back A Dead Cat For Them To Feast On


Statement from the Audubon Society of Western PA


We’ve received a number of questions about the Hays Bald Eagles bringing a cat into the nest yesterday. It’s true that they brought in a cat and it’s also true that they fed it to the eaglets. After reviewing the footage, we believe that the cat was dead when brought to the nest. While many may cringe at this, the eagles bring squirrels, rabbits, fish (and other animals) into the nest to eat multiple times each day. To people, the cat represents a pet but to the eagles and to other raptors, the cat is a way to sustain the eaglets and help them to grow. At Audubon, we encourage people to keep cats indoors for many reasons–primarily because cats themselves eat many, many songbirds. While seeing a cat in the nest was difficult for many, we’re hopeful that people will understand that this is a part of nature, and nature isn’t always kind or pretty.




I don’t know if I’m allowed to laugh at this or not. It’s true that cats suck. Anybody who likes cats more than dogs should be put in jail. Anybody who says shit like, “Cats are better because you have to earn their affection as opposed to a dog who will like you no matter what” is a fucking moron. THAT’S EXACTLY WHY DOGS ARE BETTER. Those cat people aren’t making the argument they think they are. I want every dog to love me instantly and guess what? They do because dogs are are the most loving creatures on the planet. Cats are standoffish assholes. I don’t have time for that shit. Anyyyyyyyyway. While I hate cats I don’t know if I can be pumped about a dead cat being whisked away to be consumed by a bunch of baby eagles. Just doesn’t seem right.


This part of that statement is laugh out loud funny though


At Audubon, we encourage people to keep cats indoors for many reasons–primarily because cats themselves eat many, many songbirds.


That translates to: “Hey listen. We know you didn’t like seeing a bird eat a cat BUT cats eat birds all the time so this just payback for all those times. Deal with it you pussies.”