Lil' Wayne and Birdman Bet $10,000 On Simulated Games of Madden

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B/R - With a ton of disposable income comes great responsibility.

That’s how the saying goes, right?

During a livestreamed gaming session, hip-hop artist T-Pain spoke about how rappers Lil Wayne and Birdman used to spend their big dollars in the studio: by betting on games of Madden.

And by big dollars, we mean a casual $10,000.

The catch? The rappers wouldn’t even play the games. They left it up to the computer simulations of teams they had picked.

“I never got in on the bets because, you know, I’m not an idiot,” T-Pain said, clarifying that he wasn’t in their “bracket” of wealth.

As a guy with a bunch of close friends who are degenerate gamblers I’m legitimately worried about what would happen if they ever got Lil’ Wayne money. If they ever struck it rich and woke up one morning with Birdman money. I mean this is what happens when you have that type of cash combined with an uncontrollable itch to gamble – you find yourself betting $10K on simulated games of Madden. Not even games of Madden you’re playing. Simulated. Not a real game, not a game…a simulated game (Allen Iverson voice). Like you pick 2 teams on a video game and watch as the computer plays itself virtually. That’s just a normal thing for guys who are worth a combined $300 mil.

And this is Birdman and Lil’ Wayne who I doubt are even hardcore, hardcore gamblers. For the guys who bet on 3rd quarter over/unders in WNBA games and live bet the final two minutes of preseason NFL games, $150 million at their disposal would be a magnificently spectacular disaster to watch unfold.