Drunk LSU Girl vs. Cop At The Bayou Country Fest

She was straddling her boyfriend and being inappropriate, then cursing the family behind us who complained to the cop who had a young girl with them. The cop tried getting her to leave and this happened.

This poor bastard cop. Guy just wanted no part of this drunk chick. He knows the deal these days. He knows everybody in the stadium has a camera phone pointed directly at his face. He knows one false move, one slightly over-aggressive shove will have him strung up by the Internet Police and on the nightly news in a split second. He’ll be fired and thrown in jail and lose his pension and his wife will leave him and his kids will never speak to him again for ruining the family and he’ll die alone. So instead of risking all that, now he has to be known as the clumsy ass cop getting laughed at all over the internet for trying to reign in this drunk LSU chick. Can’t win.

Also, if “straddling your boyfriend” at freaking Bayou Country Fest is considered inappropriate, I don’t even know the South anymore.