Drunk Russian Gets The Royal Piss Beaten Out Of Him POV Style By Dirt Biker

Annndddd even the drunk’s vehicle doesn’t want to be associated with him. I guess when you’re so Stoli’d up to attack someone wearing protective gloves and a helmet you forget to put the car in park. But it’s nice to see a well deserved ass-whooping in the first person like we’re playing a video game. That’s the closest thing to real life Road Rash as we’ll ever see. In fact, they should just go ahead and do a live action Road Rash league over there and call it a country. That game was amazing, and having a real life version with chains to the face would make these Commie crazies modern day Gladiators.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq33jkRbzX0broadcast it