Poppin' Bottles With Style!



That was awesome blah blah blah trick shots are cool blah blah blah. Need the outtakes. Need’em. They’ll be a thousand times cooler than the video itself and the video is pretty damn cool. But we need the outtakes of him hitting her in the back of the head a thousand times. Or them smashing 50 bottles before he finally nailed it. That’s the good stuff. Or maybe they even had to cycle a bunch of girls in because he kept accidentally knocking them unconscious during shooting and had to be taken to the hospital. That’s the funny stuff we wanna see. Don’t even act like it only took one take so there are no outtakes. There’s no way he got it on the first try so the outtakes have to exist. Let’s see’em.


PS- Sup girl. Where you crib at?