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Daniel Craig And The 'Skyfall' Director Being Hilariously Lazy Almost Cost Them Millions Of Dollars In Reshoots



Unilad – Bored, and in an effort to pass the time between filming his scenes, Craig treated himself to a little shopping trip, buying himself to a nice new pair of leather gloves.

Fast forward to the next day, and Craig is back on set preparing to film a scene. At which point he asks Mendes if he can wear his new gloves as he thinks they fit in perfectly with Bond’s character.

Apparently with his mind on other things – and wanting to keep Craig happy – Mendes agreed to let him wear the gloves.

However, [in the scene Bond] escapes, as his gun can only be fired using fingerprint recognition. But it wasn’t until post production back in London that a junior pointed out Bond wouldn’t have been able to fire his own gun while wearing gloves.


There have been a ton of reports about how Daniel Craig loathed playing James Bond by the end and how exhausting the process of making the movies can be for everyone involved. But given that and how every single detail of the movies are painstakingly accounted for, it only makes the #mailtime here by Daniel Craig and Sam Mendes even bigger. Look at those scenes above and the level of detail in the scenery and all the guys’ outfits and even the way the structural damage looks…hundreds of people chipped in to create, source, and develop all that stuff over the course of months. And then these guys are paying so little attention that they’re like “Yeah you know that gun that has one very specific function crucial to the story? Nah me neither,” I mean that is an impressive amount of not giving a shit about your job. Thank god they figured out that MS Painted Hulk Hands solution out though because heaven forbid the multibillion dollar movie went a little over budget, that never happens.


Also since we’re on the topic, here’s another update in the new James Bond search rankings after Tom Hiddleston reportedly was trying to hook up with Taylor Swift to get a little more fame on his side to win the part:


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You think James Bond hooks up with sexy 20something pop stars and then rushes to have them meet his elderly British mom after a few dates? Just couldn’t be further from the Bond image he’s trying to cultivate to get the role, Hiddleston is dropping in my next Bond rankings by the week.


1) Idris Elba
1A) Tom Hardy
3) Michael Fassbender

27) David Brent doing customer service role play
28) Mama’s Boy Hiddleston