Put Andy Murray In The Hall of Fame Of Ugly Criers



Bro, you just won Wimbledon. What in the hell are you crying for? Clean it up. I get it’s emotional but do you see Serena Williams out there crying like a little bitch every time she runs train through Wimbledon? No. Because she knows how to act like she’s been there before. And you don’t even get to act like it was that big of an accomplishment anyway. Sure, Murray only lost two sets total the entire tournament. But the only reason this wasn’t the third major final in a row that Murray didn’t take the L is because Djokovic fucked up and he got to just beat up on some stupid Canuck. So spare me the waterworks, Andy.

Seriously though. I’m not the biggest tennis guy in the land so I don’t know how common this is or isn’t. But only losing two sets the whole tournament is pretty wild. About time Under Armour finally got themselves a win in 2016. First Cam. Then Spieth. Then Steph. Then Big Cat at the Nathan’s Hot Dog Competition. It was getting sad.
