Mr. Kraft Eviscerates Roger Goodell With Press Release On Deflategate


Listen this is a great letter.  It hits all the right notes.  Mr. Kraft has been in a horrible position this entire fiasco.  I’m sure nobody has felt more betrayed than him.   He has defended Roger Goodell whenever Goodell fucked up.  He ended the lockout when Goodell couldn’t.  He saved his job after the Ray Rice thing.   And this is how that treacherous leech of a subhuman repayed him?  By smearing the greatest Qb of all time and the greatest franchise off all time over literally nothing.

But at the same time there is no doubt Mr Kraft has been wishy washy at times.  Sometimes letters like this one feels like empty words at this point.  That he is just playing to the crowd.  I mean we had that report that Mr Kraft and Goodell were being chummy chummy just a few weeks ago.   That shit makes me want to puke.  Like if we went to actual war and it was Tom Brady vs. the Nfl I honestly don’t know who Kraft would fight for at this point.  Deflategate has not only been a strain on Brady and a black eye for Goodell but it has also taken its toll on Mr Krafts image.