Who Is Dressing Bill Simmons?




I stopped watching Bill Simmon’s new show after week 2.   It was so bad that I couldn’t watch it anymore even to make fun of it.  But somebody tweeted this photo at me saying it was hysterical watching Simmons try to dress cool on his show.   They are 1,000% right.  Simmons is caught in no man’s land.  He keeps going for the casual I just threw this look together, but clearly spent a zillion hours planning it and it NEVER works.  Like never.   Honestly who the fuck is working on Any Given Wednesday?  All we heard was how much money HBO invested in this show and everything about it sucks.  Sure Simmons stinks at TV.   He can’t control the fact that he has the charisma of an ant.  But dressing like this is inexcusable.  It’s not even his fault.  I know shows like this have fashion consultants.  That person should be executed.  Because the only thing worse than dressing poorly is looking like a try hard who dresses poorly and that’s exactly what this is.