Tom Brady Got A 20 Million Dollar Apartment For His Birthday




Ohhhhh it must be nice to be the greatest athlete person to ever exist. Not a bad life to lead, if you ask me. I’ve got a birthday coming up (plz write that down) and asked simply for a dinner. Maybe a pair of sneakers or two. Tom Brady probably didn’t even have to ask for shit, Gisele just scooped him up a twenty million dollar mansion so they can finally move out of that fourteen million dollar shanty they’ve been living in.


I get it, though. Always nice to have a little city getaway. Wanna head to the city and catch a show? Maybe enjoy the endless nightlife? Just get out of your cramped Brookline castle?




Well, then you’re gonna need a spot in the city to crash. Glad Tommy finally got one that suits a man of his stature.