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People are MAD ONLINE That Bob Costas Said Usain Bolt Is Bigger Than Bob Marley






One of my favorite all time Internet beefs has gotta be this pink eye midget Bob Costas vs all the Jamaicans in the world. People getting FIRED up. I mean listen I get it. Bob Marley was basically a revolutionary in a lot of people’s eyes. He was making so many waves the US Government had to kill him. You don’t see the government trying to kill Usain Bolt, do you? Not yet at least. A couple more gold medals where he’s jogging and laughing at the finish line, maybe. Maybe he ends up in a box six feet deep from “toe cancer.”

Bob Marley’s name and music are synonymous with the entire country of Jamaica. He represents an entire drug, really. The Face of Weed. He’s obviously one of the biggest musicians with some of the best songs ever.

But goddam people can we relax here? A really fucking awesome Jamaican guy did something incredible so guess what the broadcaster is gonna do? Compare him to another really fucking awesome Jamaican guy. It’s like how Porzingis gets compared to Dirk immediately. There’s only a couple awesome white basketball players so that’s the comparison. Jamaica has Bolt and Marley and so that’s it. That’s the comparison. Don’t even know why you’re upset. If your 1-2 punch is Usain Bolt and Bob Marley you’re officially represented by some major heavy hitters. Those are two of the most beloved people ever in their respective crafts. You ever meet a single person who doesn’t like Bob Marley’s music? Ever even heard someone say “Turn this Marley OFF!” (Minus the US government, of course) And Bolt has to be the most well liked non American Olympian ever. Nobody cares that he’s not even from here. Because Jamaica is all chill and laid back and he’s filled to the brim with cocky swagger. If there’s a debate between Bolt and Bob Marley for who reps your country the best you’ve already won.

So everyone relax. Crack open a Red Stripe. Every little thing’s gonna be alright.