Pizza Hut Is Coming Out With The World's First Playable DJ Pizza Box Cause That Totally Needs To Exist



That’s fake. Even if it’s real. I really hope that’s fake. What the fuck, Pizza Hut? What the actual fuck? Is this their plan to reach more millennials? Because we all just love EDM and having lasers bounced off our faces? I don’t get it. That is literally the worst idea in the history of ideas. The last thing I wanna do after scarfing down a Pizza Hut pizza is hop on the 1s and 2s. I wanna go to sleep because I’m hammered drunk and eating Pizza Hut pizza. Don’t get me wrong. I love Pizza Hut. It’s delicious. Pizza snobs are the worst and they will tell you Pizza Hut is garbage. They’re wrong. If you’re gonna cover bread with cheese and pepperonis, I’m gonna eat it. That’s my policy. I don’t care where it comes from. But back to this DJ thing. If Pizza Hut really wants to corner the millennial market they should make pizza boxes that fold into bongs. Or student loan payments. College kids and young adults are already their demographic. Give us something we can use. Not a cardboard DJ booth. What the fuck?