A Dad Accidentally Ate Four Weed Brownies And Wouldn't Stop Calling The Family Cat A Bitch

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Omaha- An Omaha dad who mistakenly ate some marijuana brownies didn’t enjoy the experience. Omaha police officers were called to a house near 90th and Maple Streets about 9:45 p.m. Tuesday to investigate an accidental overdose. They learned that a 53-year-old man had been unloading groceries and found some brownies in the back seat of a car that his adult children had used earlier in the day. The man ate four of the brownies. The man’s wife told police that as she and her husband were watching TV, he noted that he was getting “bad anxiety.” She tried to call their children to ask them what was in the brownies but couldn’t reach them. Paramedics called to the scene who checked the man found his vital signs to be normal. But they noted that he was displaying odd behavior — crawling around on the floor, randomly using profanities and calling the family cat a “bitch.”



This sounds like a scene from American Pie. Dad accidentally finds some pot brownies while unloading the groceries, he consumes them like they’re normal delicious brownies (who wouldn’t?) then next thing you know he won’t stop calling the family cat a bitch. At least the truth is finally out. Dad has for sure hated that cat from the minute they got it but held his tongue because that’s what good Dads do. If the cat makes the kids happy then Dad is going to act happy. But not once an overwhelming amount of THC is flowing through his veins. Four weed brownies might as well be a truth serum. He’s gonna speak his mind and let out all that anger about having a cat instead of a dog. I’m with him by the way. We all are. Cats are bitches.


This part of the article was funny


She tried to call their children to ask them what was in the brownies but couldn’t reach them


“couldn’t reach them” AKA they were busy drawing straws to decide who was gonna be the one who had to tell Mom that Dad is high as a kite because he ate their weed brownies. Maybe just don’t go home ever again. Skip town and create a new identity.