Ride Or Die Chick Who Got E Coli From Chipotle Asked For Free Chipotle In Her Settlement

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Time – If this isn’t brand loyalty, nothing is: A Chipotle customer who was sickened in the E. coli outbreak last year asked for some free burritos as part of her legal settlement with the fast food chain.

The company agreed and sent her “a couple dozen” coupons for free burritos, according to her lawyer. The overall claim is still being resolved, and the woman’s medical bills from the infection total about $40,000—but she still wants Chipotle burritos.


I love the cut of this chick’s jib. Loyal as the day is long. Need to find me a bitch like this. A girl who can fall off the proverbial horse, spend weeks in the hospital, and then get right back into the mix of things. Did she get a potentially life threatening disease from Chipotle? She absolutely did. But does she want to get back on that horse? Without a doubt. That’s loyalty you can’t teach. That’s loyalty that can’t be taught. That’s just innate, ride or die type shit. When the going gets tough and her shits get bloody, she rubs some dirt on it and orders herself another burrito. A little illness and lawsuit against the restaurant isn’t going to keep her out of those doors. Good for her. And maybe if she’s lucky she’ll catch it again, and then get a couple dozen more free burritos. E Coli, the gift that keeps on giving.

PS: You know who also wouldn’t be set back by a little E Coli?