This Brooklyn Man Hates Citi Bikes More Than Anyone Else On The Planet

I love this old sassy son of a bitch. I am a pedestrian and occasionally a rider/driver of a vehicle. Which means that anyone on Team Bike is the enemy, trying to lay claim to the street, the sidewalk, and the biking lane. No respect for any of the written or unwritten rules of the road. Especially people on Citi Bikes simply because I hate people always talking about they love Citi Bike. And this guy is SICK of them galavanting in front of his house. You can’t blame the guy. Do you think they care if you are sleeping? Hell no. Those neighborhood meetings in the city must be a nightmare. Everyone is angry and/or weird as fuck. The best case scenario is for someone to scream and probably spit all over your face.

And how about Jerry? Poor, poor Jerry. Dude woke up in Red Hook and didn’t have any idea he would be verbally undressed in front of his community peers while being tongue lashed to hell and back. Lord have mercy. But you know what Jerry? If your mouth is going to write checks your ass can’t cash, you have nobody to blame but yourself. I think The Rock used to say that. And The Rock never lies.

h/t Gothamist