Don King Gives Speech For Donald Trump At A Church In Cleveland, Promptly Says The N-Word

I don’t even know what’s shocking anymore. Honestly. Was that shocking? I really can’t tell anymore. It would be shocking if we weren’t currently in the craziest presidential race all time but, seeing that we are, that didn’t feel all that shocking. Which is CRAAAAAAZY. Don fucking King just dropped an n-bomb in a church while introducing Republican presidential nominee Donald fucking Trump. Huh? At any other point in time that’d go super viral but somehow it’s the least shocking thing that will probably happen today. The best part of that video is watching how everyone reacts in the background. Trump is a pro so he knows to just nod and smile no matter how off the rails it gets. The black dude over King’s shoulder had the time of his damn life. He had his phone out from the very start cause he knew The Don was about to say some crazy shit.

This guy was the best though

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The token white guy. Laughing his ass off but will for sure regret it later when his face is shown over and over and over and over again on all of the cable news channels today.