This Chick Who Caught Her Boyfriend Cheating Then Rubbed His Toothbrush In His Filthy Ass Toilet Is The Most Evil Revenge

Right off the bat rubbing someone’s toothbrush in a toilet is such a grimy thing. Especially in this absolute shit den of a house with roaches in the kitchen and things strewn all over the floors, no way this dude’s toilet has known the warm embrace of the Scrubbin Bubbles guy in years. And it’s fucked up because this guy will NEVER know. You put that mint toothpaste on there and if this guy is like most bachelor fuckboy types, you know that toothbrush isn’t being changed for months and months, maybe a year of this dude lightly poisoning himself with hints of fecal matter. It’s a way better/more Chinese water torture-esque revenge than these chicks who team up to bust a guy only to have him pretty much shrug and walk away. Evil, possibly a crime, but kinda the perfect cheating ex revenge if you really absolutely hate this dude and want to fuck his life up a little without him ever knowing.

Also I have to point out that this is 100% like that episode of Seinfeld where Jerry couldn’t stand that some girl he was dating put something of his in the toilet and went nuts…but there’s also a 99% chance based on this woman’s dialogue and general vibes that she has no clue what a Jerry Seinfeld is let alone is stealing revenge plans from the show: