Demi Lovato, Who Had An Eating Disorder, Is In Trouble For 'Body Shaming' Taylor Swift's Squad Of Skinny White Girls

Global Citizen Festival 2016

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Glamour – GLAMOUR: And you’ve said before, in regard to Taylor Swift, “Don’t brand yourself a feminist if you don’t do the work.” How do you see yourself doing the work?

Demi Lovato: Just speaking out. I’m not afraid to talk about the fact that women get paid less than men in the United States and how unfair that is. Talking about it at all is doing the work. And I think every woman does her part in some way. But I think in certain situations, certain people could be doing more if they’re going to claim that as part of their brand. To be honest, and this will probably get me in trouble, I don’t see anybody in any sort of squad that has a normal body. It’s kind of this false image of what people should look like. And what they should be like, and it’s not real.

GLAMOUR: Well, there are many kinds of “normal” bodies. I think what you’re getting at is there’s just one type of body in that squad.

DL: It’s not realistic. And I think that having a song and a video about tearing Katy Perry down, that’s not women’s empowerment. We all do things that aren’t, but I have to ask myself, Am I content with calling myself a feminist? Yes, because I speak out.

Some Twitter damage control going on from Demi Lovato:

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So here’s the thing that confuses me: I figured if you’re a girl who had a super public battle with addiction and eating disorders to the point where people around her and Demi Lovato herself thought she was going to die, you’re pretty socially proofed when talking about things that affect other women. Maybe Demi’s not some sort of feminist chick patron saint but she definitely has enough credibility to talk openly about how something like Taylor Swift hanging out with a shitload of similar looking skinny white chicks and how that might affect women. I mean just this week Demi Lovato gave some fan shit for drawing her like a mermaid who’s much skinnier with bigger tits and people online rallied behind her for that to the point where the guy had to re-draw her to stop getting attacked on social media.

But because Demi Lovato’s keying in on another very popular chick who internet girls don’t want to hate, all of a sudden her opinions are invalid and she’s “body shaming”? Even though she lived through the whole thing women say is so bad, got body shamed, and actually had an eating disorder herself? I kinda assumed having an eating disorder was like black people with dropping soft n-bombs, sort of a carte blanche to say whatever you want on the topic. And it seems like it should be 10x given that Taylor Swift is one of the most influential women on Earth and regularly basks in the warm lily white glow of giant groups of low BMI’d chicks. Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention at the latest Ways The Internet Can Concoct To Get Angry At People meetings (there’s no punch and pie and they DEFINITELY have no interest in freeing Hat McCullough) but it seems like this is exactly the thing women complain about but because it’s against their beloved Taylor Swift, all of a sudden Demi Lovato is wrong.

If Demi Lovato and I are the only ones courageous enough to point out these huge logical flaws and stand up against Taylor Swift anti-woman tyranny, so be it. #IStandWithThickBrunettes #NotSureSheWouldWantToBeCalledThick #ThisFeminismThingIsHardAndIAlreadyGiveUptbh

Demi Lovato And Nick Jonas Perform At The Forum