Miss Philippines And Miss Austria Had The Most Awkward 25 Second Conversation Ever

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Nothing like watching a Hitler question come in hot and hit Miss Austria POW! right in the kisser before turning her into a Mr. Krab meme.

I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been in the same office as Danny Too Woke or what, but can we all agree that Miss Philippines was trying to throw Miss Austria off her game? I bet Miss Philippines was going up to all the contestants and asking them about their country’s biggest black eye before dropping the “Our leader is that bad right now”. How do you possibly come back from that? There is no way you can put your best strut forward if you are down to the final 2 with Miss Philippines. If you lose, you go back to your country as one of the beautiful people in the land. If she loses, she goes back to a modern day Hitler. Some beauty queens may be cold, but you have to be flat-out heartless if you didn’t at least consider shaving a few points to help this chick take home the crown. I’m onto you Miss Philippines. But I respect the shit out of your hustle.

P.S. “Well that’s how it is” is a laugh out loud funny line to say when you don’t know how the fuck to respond to somebody dropping Hitler knowledge on your head. I haven’t seen anyone that uncomfortable on a Facebook Live broadcast since Emily Austen put my three coworkers into mental pickles on the Rundown.


