Can't Knock This Businessman's Hustle Who Tried To Sell Shredded Cardboard As Marijuana


WHIO – A Georgia man is facing charges after police say he tried selling fake drugs. Investigators say Akheem Sparrow packaged baking soda and dry wall to look like cocaine.

They also say he tried to pass off shredded cardboard mixed with kitchen herbs as marijuana. Sparrow, 25, is charged with possession of an imitation controlled substance. 

Oh I’m sorry. But since when is it illegal to sell baking soda? Since when is it illegal to sell dry wall? Since when is it illegal to sell cardboard? Shouldn’t the state of Georgia be thanking this man for keeping actual drugs off the street? Akheem Sparrow is facing charges for doing the exact same thing that a grocery store, a Home Depot, and a Staples have been doing for years. Yet Ray Rice beats his wife and all charges are dropped. Doesn’t quite make sense to me.

And even if Mr. Sparrow here was trying to pass these products off as drugs, can you blame him? We’re in a recession here, people. The economy is kicking our ass and people need to go to extreme measures just to get by. If that means selling bootleg drugs to little Timmy and Tommy down the block who are too stupid to realize they just got punked, well then so be it. Same people who actually pay money for shredded cardboard mixed with oregano are the ones who think they actually have a cousin who is a prince in Nigeria. Akheem Sparrow saw an opportunity to take advantage of others’ stupidity and went for it. Not sure how that’s against the law when we give Christopher Columbus his own holiday for doing the same exact thing.
