Things Get Even More Awkward When Chris Hansen Busts A Friend Of His

So these are always awkward/awesome. A pedophile getting bombarded by Chris Hansen for being a pedophile. Well it’s even more awkward when Chris Hansen walks in and it’s a friend of Chris Hansen. This just goes to show how fucking stupid people are. If you’re a friend of Chris Hansen, you know what he does. He busts weirdos for trying to hook up with kids. So even with that knowledge that guy still hit up a 13-year-old online and was like, “Sup wanna fuck?” There’s playing with fire and then there’s knowing Chris Hansen and still deciding to be a predator. That dude probably gets off on it actually. Like, “Oh I know this is so wrong. I know Chris Hansen. He doesn’t know my secret. I know he might bust me and that makes it even more exciting.” Also, that guy needs to work on his excuses. Your eye is scratched and that’s why you mistook a 13 for an 18? What? He thought that excuse was money in the bank. Get the fuck outta here, you creep.