Jennifer Aniston's Husband Shares An Image On Instagram That Says "Fuck Brad Pitt"

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Hey Justin Theroux lemme ask you something, are you insane? He has to be insane to post something like that. Does Justin not understand that Brad Pitt could have Jennifer Aniston back at the snap of his fingers? Because he could and everybody knows it. Everybody but Justin Theroux apparently. Sure, Justin and Jennifer are married but that couldn’t mean less now that Brad is back on the market. Jennifer might still hate Brad for dumping her for Angelina Jolie but here’s the thing about women. They wanna fix things, men in particular. Somewhere deep in Jen’s brain she still thinks, “I can make it work between Brad and I. I know I can. I just need another chance.” Well that chance has arrived with the divorce between him and Angelina.  Justin should’ve picked literally any other image on the internet than the one that says “Fuck Brad Pitt” Let sleeping dogs lie my friend. Because if you wake that dog up that dog is gonna fuck your wife. Bad move, Theroux. Real bad move.