How Insane Is KFC For Thinking You Can Only Like Skittles Or M&Ms?

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Yesterday, like the gentleman I am, I brought a bag of Skittles over to the chairs because I’m a gentleman and that’s what we do, we share. I offered Dan some Skittles and you know what he said? He said, “Thanks John, my good pal, I’d love some delicious treats.” Do you know what Kevin said? He literally spit in my face. He said that he doesn’t eat Skittles because he’s an M&Ms guy.


You can be both of those things, Kev. You can like chocolate and you can like chewy. Kevin argues it’s like trying to be a fan of the Yankees and Mets, I argue that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. It’s like trying to be a fan of the Yankees and Rangers, liking two perfectly different things. It’s like rooting for the Mets and Islanders. YOU’RE JUST SAYING YOU LIKE DIFFERENT SHIT. The fact that Kevin thinks these are comparable is absurd. It’s like being passed the turkey at Thanksgiving and saying, “No thanks, I like HBO.” It’s totally different shit we’re talking about, you motherfucker. Shut up and eat your skittles.

Anyway, vote: 1 for they’re different, 10 for you can like both

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