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Ernie Johnson Gave One Hell Of A Monologue About The Presidential Election Last Night

Pretty awe-inspiring stuff there from EJ. That right there is why the “stick to sports” crowd are dead wrong most of the time. Especially in such extraordinary circumstances like we had this last election cycle. Everybody has opinions on everything and it’s more than okay for them to voice them from time to time when the moment feels right. Well EJ CRUSHED that moment. You don’t even have to necessarily agree with him. It’s just good to see something that genuine. My favorite part was when Ernie was like, “Welp we’re already talking politics so fuck it. Let’s take this all the way and talk religion as well.” That takes some balls. I avoid talking politics and religion with some of my closest friends, let alone giving a two-minute monologue in front of millions of random people. Good stuff. By the way, how bad did Charles Barkley wanna make a joke during that to break the seriousness of it? Maybe let out a little fart or something? Would’ve brought the house down.