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Why Is It That Some Delis Have No Regard For The Meat To Bread Ratio?


I’ve had 2 of these mishaps at 2 separate delis in the past 5 days and I won’t stand for it.

First off was a real travesty on Wednesday. Me and Riggs did the ole he buys I fly for a couple of breakfast sangys before Barstool Idol to get our heads in the right mindset. This was the outcome.

That is in the very least 25% meat whereas it should be nearly 90%. I even went with sausage in order to all but guarantee a good ratio, but boy was I wrong. Now I don’t want to name names cause I’m not a dick and I’ve only given one bad Yelp review in my life (Merrick Outback), but this place’s name starts with a G and may or may not be at the corner of 6th and 27th.

And now for the abomination that inspired this post. Every Monday and Wednesday I wake up for class at 6am to make my 2 hour class starting at 7:50. Today I’m sitting outside class waiting to see what adventures MacBeth and Beowulf got themselves in this week and next thing I know I get an email saying the fucking guy overslept. He did cancel our final though so that’s chill. But that’s neither here nor there. I figured I’d head to the office and get a nice BEC on the way so I tried this place.


Now I don’t want to name names cause I’m not a dick and I’ve only given one bad Yelp review in my life (Merrick Outback), but this place’s name starts with a T, ends with an A, has a Z in there somewhere, and is located on Park between 25th and 26th. That’s a laughable amount of bacon, maybe 5 pieces maximum. The 3 bites of the whole sandwich that were graced with bacon was pretty damn good though so I’ll give them that.

In closing, I will be starting a blacklist of delis that don’t follow typical protocol when it comes to dire situations of paying $4.65 for that “egg sandwich a side of bacon”. More to follow.