The Eliminator: Thanksgiving Dinner Foods


Pick which one of the four you would eliminate

So here it is. The four big dogs of Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone has their favorites and least favorites. And this is your chance to eliminate your least favorite.

For me, turkey is the safest of the four. You can’t have Thanksgiving without turkey. That simple. It’s the face of the franchise. Thanksgiving without turkey is like Christmas without a tree, Halloween without candy, or the 4th of July without fireworks. Some things are even bigger than traditions and turkey on Thanksgiving is one of them.

As for the sides, I am more likely to get rid of mashed potatoes than stuffing for one basic reason. Stuffing absolutely, shines brightest during Thanksgiving season. Sure it’s good all year round, but it makes its bones during Thanksgiving like Eli Manning in the Super Bowl. I love mashed potatoes, but if I’m holding a mashed potatoes kid in one hand and a stuffing kid in another, I’m throwing my fictional mashed potatoes kid into the abyss. Wow, that got a little dark. Sorry about that.

The one getting eliminated for me is the cranberry sauce in a can. I realize this is an unpopular opinion amongst many, but I hate the cranberry sauce in a can. Now don’t get me wrong, I obviously am someone that loves processed and packaged food. That organic bullshit can take a hike. But I’m just not a cranberry guy. Or a raspberry guy. Or a blueberry guy. I’m team strawberry for life. Fuck all those other berries to hell in all types of form. Berry, juice, sauce, etc. Cranberry sauce can take a long walk off a short pier.

But as always, this poll is by the common man for the common man (or woman). So make your vote below.

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!