Gizmodo Invents The Term "Manthreading" To Describe How Men (Apparently Exclusively) String Tweets Together. I've Never Been Madder Online.

Not the most original gif but I watched that episode again last night and laughed so suck it

(Source)There is this thing that people (mostly men) love to do on Twitter, something other than harass women and send DMs of their half chubs. It’s called threading, and it’s one of the many things ruining my Twitter experience. Threading happens when someone has a lot of thoughts or feelings on a particular topic, so many that they can’t fit them all into 140 characters. So, ostensibly to help readers follow along on their train of thought, they thread the tweets together by replying to themselves. Sometimes they even use numbers! Yesterday, a man named Eric Garland, a “strategic analyst for businesses and government agencies” with around 30K followers, decided it was time for some “game theory” without consultation from the rest of the internet (it wasn’t time and will never be time). The ensuing political rant is so insane and prolific it took up almost 6 pages when posted into a Google doc, and included a map. I dare you to read his thread in full and try to still respect yourself.

I have to very real, very passionate and very different takes about this post.

On the one hand, I totally agree with her. Not the part about how only men do it, that’s outrageous, but threading or tweet storms or whatever you want to call them fucking SUCK. They’re insufferable. If you can’t fit it in a tweet then get off Twitter and head over to Facebook, Medium, or some other nonsense. There’s no place on Twitter for you (1/286) sons of bitches. It’s even worse when someone quotes the first one and says some bullshit like, “Important thread.” Bitch, shut up. I’m on Twitter because I like my shit condensed. If I had an hour to read I’d get The Illiad, not your dumb thoughts. It’s a total slap in the face to those of us who abbreviate words and spit in the face of grammar in order to fit everything in one tweet. I’m over here rearranging shit like it’s the last level of Tetris and these threaders are typing out full papers like it’s worth 80% of their grade.

On the other hand, FUCKKKKKKK this “manthread” bullshit. There’s no quicker way to make me roll my eyes and immediately ignore whatever else you have to say than drop one of these made-up “manwhatever” buzzwords. Mansplaining isn’t a thing, it’s just a dude being a dick. Manspreading isn’t a thing it’s just a person with testicles who’s naturally bigger than a woman. Manthreading isn’t a thing, it’s an insufferable douche (both men and women) who think their thoughts are way more important than they are.

I know that last paragraph can just be explained away as “mansplaining” if you want it to, but it’s not. You can call me a fucking dick if you want, that’s a phrase that exists. But these nonsense buzzwords to clap at the girls at bookclub are so fucking stupid. I’m an asshole, call me that. Don’t call me a mansplainer.