Derrick Rose Didn't Show Up For The Knicks Game Tonight And Nobody Seems To Know Where He Is

NYDN- Derrick Rose was a mysterious late scratch to Monday’s game against the Pelicans, with the Knicks only classifying the point guard as “not with the team.” A club representative later clarified that this did not mean “personal reasons.” About 90 minutes earlier, coach Jeff Hornacek said everybody on the roster was available except for forward Mindaugas Kuzminskas, who was dealing with an illness. But Rose never appeared in the locker room or on the court for warmups.

Well that sounds promising. D-Rose just flat out vanishes like a fart in the wind and nobody knows where the fuck he went like Carmen Sandiego. Poof, vamoose son of a bitch. Now obviously I have no idea if this is something serious or not but at the very least this is weird as hell. Luckily one of my coworkers, and fan of Rose’s former team, happens to be an expert manhunter. I’ll update when I get more info.