Mike Felger Called Me A Disgrace Because I Wish Bodily Harm On Roger Goodell....Guess What Felger? Now I Wish Bodily Harm On You.


Holy fuck Felger. Be a bigger pussy. You want to know what’s a disgrace? Calling me a disgrace for wishing Roger Goodell was mutilated. Yeah I’d love for that to happen. I hate his guts. I think he’s a lying son of a bitch. Maybe the worst human since Hitler was alive. What it’s suddenly a crime to hate assholes now and wish them bodily harm? You can’t root for pain? Shut the fuck up dude. Voodoo dolls have been around since the beginning of time for this very reason. Wishing harm upon those who have harmed you is a basic human emotion. And make no mistake about it Roger Goodell has harmed every single Patriot fan on the planet. But Felger wouldn’t know anything about that because he’s a spineless jellyfish who stands for nothing except ratings. But when you are actually a real fan and some dictator has persecuted your franchise for 2 years you have ever right to hate his guts and want him dead. If that’s wrong I don’t want to be right. And the last person who should call me disgraceful is Felger who is the king of just saying shit to incite callers and get a reaction. That’s the real disgrace. So if my Goodell stance is a disgrace than Felger’s entire existence is a double disgrace. Hey Felger try standing for something once in your life and get back to me on being a disgrace.

PS – Goodell will never come to Foxboro because he’s a coward. Just like he’ll never let anybody interview him who would ask him a real question. And while I personally wouldn’t murder Goodell because I’m anti murder as a personal stance that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t smile if he was severally injured. There is a huge difference between wishing ill will on somebody and actually acting on it. That’s what being a human is called. Otherwise we’d run around doing whatever the fuck we want. Seems like common sense to me.