Dwight Howard Faking To Shake Jeremy Lin's Hand And Dabbing On Him Instead Is The Official Death Knell For All Things Linsanity

Okay, Linsanity has been dead for years now. But this was the nail in the coffin. Actually it was opening up the coffin, pissing on Linsanity’s remains, and then sticking a nail in it for good measure. I don’t know if Jeremy Lin ever plays again after that because Dwight Howard is the last player in the NBA that can pass on a handshake. Players hate him, fans hate him, refs probably hate him, everybody hates him. But Jeremy Lin saw a fellow star that people used to love and extended an olive branch like any loser in school would do to a fellow loser. And Dwight Howard dabbed that olive branch to Hades and back. The fake handshake is a vicious move but topping it off with a dab is simply savage and truly a sad moment for people that loved Linsanity or at least the ridiculous puns all the New York tabloids used during that magical run.

RIP in peace, Linsanity. Or at least as peaceful as your remains can be inside a piss filled, nail-ridden coffin.