I Agree With Trump's Pick For Secretary Of Education That We Need Guns In Schools To Protect Us From Grizzly Bears

People have said a lot of dumb things over the last couple of years. We had Ben Carson yammering about god knows what, we had Cruz and Rubio out-dumbing each other, but finally the water has found it’s level and Trump has been elected president and nothing dumb will be said again. Case in point, Betsy DeVos, Trump’s pick to be Education Secretary.

Talk about the right woman for the job. Sure, she wants to pretty much get rid of the public school system, and sure she has never taken out a student loan or had a kid who did, but fuck all that noise. As they say up North, don’t let the bushes get in the way of the trees. Betsy DeVos knows that the number 1 priority for any educator is to keep kids safe. And how do you keep them safe without guns in schools to protect from potential grizzly bears? Everyone knows that grizzly bear attacks in schools are getting way out of hand. And this will end of Betsy DeVos’ watch, so help her god.

So can Congress please stop fucking around with all these “experience based questions”, and just confirm her already? Every day she’s not in office is another day grizzly bears are planning their attacks on America.