Pranking People By Having The Girl From "The Ring" Come Out Of A TV Is Cruel And Unusual Punishment

You know how we have war crimes in this world to stop people from doing truly awful shit during war, despite the fact that war itself is basically the worst thing in the history of the world? We need to come up with prank crimes for the same reason. I love a good prank just as much if not more than the next guy or lady. But there are some lines that just shouldn’t be crossed. And having someone think that the chick from The Ring is alive and crawling out of a TV towards them is number one on that crime list. Okay, maybe a false diagnosis of a deadly disease can go at 1, but Creepy Ass Ring Chick Climbing Out Of The TV has to be Top 2 at the very least. When I was in college, some friends called a girl right after she watched The Ring and said “7 days”. Chick absolutely LOST it and was shook for like a week. So yeah, lets chill on any Ring related pranks, even if you are trying to push a sequel. Some lines just shouldn’t be crossed.

However, fake winning lottery tickets should be nowhere near a prank crimes list. If you fall for those in the year 2017, you are an old fashioned sucker.