Does This Look Like the Face of the Secret Service Agent Who Said on Facebook That She Won't Take a Bullet for Trump?

Secret Service

Washington Examiner - A senior U.S. Secret Service agent posted Facebook condemnations of President Trump during the past seven months, including one in which she said she wouldn’t want to “take a bullet” for him. …

Kerry O’Grady, the special agent in charge of the Secret Service’s Denver district, oversees coordination with Washington-based advance teams for … all upcoming or future trips by the president, vice president or Trump administration officials.

In one Facebook post O’Grady wrote at 11:07 p.m. on a Sunday in October, she endorsed Hillary Clinton and said she would endure “jail time” rather than “taking a bullet” for what she regarded as a “disaster” for America.

The post didn’t mention Trump by name but clearly referred to him.

In the same post, she mentioned the Hatch Act, which bars executive branch staff … from engaging in certain political activities.

“[T]his world has changed and I have changed. And I would take jail time over a bullet or an endorsement for what I believe to be disaster to this country and the strong and amazing women and minorities who reside here. Hatch Act be damned. I am with Her.”

I stand with Kerry O’Grady in one respect: I won’t take a bullet for Donald Trump. I’d take one for my family. And for any combination of Mr. Kraft, Belichick or Brady. But Trump? No. I’m not there yet. Maybe if he catches me at a good time where I’m feeling particularly patriotic. Or after he gets Mr. Kraft’s ring back from Putin. But right now, I’m making no commitments.

But of course, I’m a writer. I’m not Jack Bauer. Kelly O’Grady is supposed to be, isn’t she? Stopping bullets is what she signed on for. As a matter of fact, it’s the only thing she signed on for. To be a human meat shield for people more important than her. That’s the job. For every agent. It’s not like they’ve got some who take bullets and others who just keep the vending machine stocked. It sort of defeats the whole purpose of having a Secret Service if the agents just get to pick and choose who’ll they face hot zizzing death for.

And if you’re going to pick and choose who’s indispensable enough to die for and who isn’t (note: you can’t), that’s probably something you should keep between you and your God. It can’t be good for your effectiveness to declare on Facebook that you won’t stop someone from killing the President you’re assigned to. I don’t know, but that sounds to me like an open invitation to any deranged closet case that if Kelly O’Grady is on the job, he gets at least one freebie. I think if that’s how you feel, it makes a lot more sense to give your notice as soon as Trump won the election and put in an application at Yankee Candle or something. But Secret Service work just isn’t the career for you.