People Are Pissed That Trump Did Not Mention Jews In Holocaust Statement


(sorry about the pic I searched “Trump Jew” and this came up and it was too funny not to use)

So it was International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Friday. As is tradition the President released a statement.

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As you can see this statement does not mention Jews or anti-semitism. Folks are NOT happy about that.

Spicer today called the statement’s critics pathetic.

He also pulled a classic “no it’s cool I have black friends.”


Not a PR guy but think you gotta mention Jews in your Holocaust statement. That’s all I’ve got to say. Don’t want to go down a big Holocaust rabbit hole here, just think you have to mention the Jews. They’ve had a problematic enough 3,500 years, the least you can do is throw them a Holocaust Remembrance Day shoutout.