People Are "Trolling" Sean Spicer By Sending Him Money On Venmo

spicer veno

NY Post- Sean Spicer is paying the price for keeping his Venmo account public after heading to Washington.

Users of the cash-sharing app flooded the Press Secretary’s public account with small donations that included snarky subject lines.

“Donation to get ur hairline back smh,” one person wrote, according to screenshots taken by The Hill.

“Change that picture of yourself, dude, youre like 90% percent forehead,” another quipped.

Yikes! These trolls aren’t pulling any punches. Thoughts and prayers to Papa Spice’s family. I only hope that I never become such a polarizing public figure that strangers start sending me money. It’s like a carnival game: step right up! Only five bucks to make fun of this man’s enormous forehead!

I don’t care how small the amounts are. I would happily stand on the receiving end of the most barbed slings and arrows the internet can muster if I were getting paid for it. Receiving money on venmo is as GOOD AS IT GETS. When you hear that cash register sound, you know either:

  1. In a massive turn of the tables, your bookie is paying YOU because you’re a gambling wizard.
  2. Your dickhead friend who owed you money for ages has finally paid you back.
  3. The chick you took to dinner woke up a feminist and wants to cover her half.

(Not sure whether 1 or 3 happens less often)

As Kanye said, if they hate then let ‘em hate and watch the money pile up.

PS- The fact that Sean Spicer chews and swallows 2 packs of gum a day is almost as preposterous as his undying hatred for Dippin’ Dots. Hating futuristic ice cream treats is totally unacceptable unless you’re some lactose-intolerant Amish farmer.

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