Katy Perry Took A Shot At Britney Spears Last Night And She Needs To Check Herself

Listen here bitch. I get that you’re super famous now and all that shit. You’re running through famous dick at an alarming rate just like you should. You even got it from my boy John Mayer and that’s impressive. Props. It’s your time in the spotlight and everyone loves you but you better chick-ity check yourself before you rig-ity wreck yourself when it comes to Britney Spears. Kiss the ring. Respect your elders. Britney Spears was running this pop shit before you were in diapers. And now just cause you’ve got the juice you think it’s okay to take a shot at the crown? Fuck that. It takes lady balls to talk that type of smack while looking like Katy tripped and fell and tumbled through a costume shop. That outfit was BEYOND hideous. And that’s when she decided to throw shade at the time Britney went a little crazy and shaved her head? Interesting. Britney is too nice and sweet to respond to Katy so here I am. I’m her messenger. I’m her muscle. Let’s leave it at this. I like Katy Perry and her music but talk sideways about the Queen of Pop one more time and the Spears cavalry is at your doorstep. Believe.