Teachers Getting Caught Allegedly Playing "Marry, Fuck, Kill" With Students Names Isn't The Best Of Looks

Fox Detroit- One public school employee has resigned at Bangor Public Schools in western Michigan after video surfaced showing several teachers and employees playing a sexually explicit game involving students. The secretary of the superintendent of Bangor Public Schools resigned this week and several other teachers were disciplined after the video surfaced showing the teachers and staff playing the game at a bar. The game has a name that is unfit to write, but asks the players to name three people they would marry, have intimate relations with, or kill. The video shows staff members naming students as well as other teachers in the game.

According to FOX 17, some of the students named have special needs. On Monday, the school board held a meeting where parents demanded time to talk about the video and have questions answered. They wanted to know if the school board knew about the video before Monday because it was recorded on Jan. 13. The secretary resigned on Monday. Two teachers were suspended and four others were verbally reprimanded. FOX 17 reports that the schools’ attorney announced there would be no further action taken against the staff members involved. The attorney said that the teachers suspended will be on probation in the district for five years and closely monitored.

It’s always weird when you find out your teachers are just regular, everyday people outside of schools. They have a life, probably a family, and hate their job just as much as the next person. As a kid I thought teachers were mad when it snowed out because they wanted to teach. As an adult, I realize teachers are roughly a kabillion times happier when school gets cancelled because they don’t live in a fantasy world like kids do. I also remember seeing a couple of teachers from my high school at a bar when I was in college and my goddamn brain exploded because seeing a teacher in the wild and outside of school is like seeing the cartoons in Roger Rabbit living in the real world. Something just doesn’t compute.

But I cannot possible IMAGINE what it would be like to be eating in a restaurant and listening to my teachers talk about which students they want to marry, fuck, or kill. Actually I could understand kill. We all know which kids are the shitty kids in school and would be the first to go if a teacher snapped and started murdering motherfuckers. I bet the smart teachers these days tell the kids the want to kill them. Establish dominance over those little fuckers.

Marry is definitely still weird, but that’s also basically the best compliment you can give someone I guess. Half the time you pick the marry just because the other two options are complete trash or the marry option is a complete no-brainer.

But the fuck part is obviously where this all goes south. As taboos continue to fall in this world, the whole “banging kids” taboo luckily still stands in our society. Now don’t get me wrong, if I had to guess the average age that kids lose their virginity this day and age, I’d say 11 is about right. The internet speeds everything up in life by about 30%. It’s the old teachers lurking on kids that is the creepy and why Jerry Thornton’s blogs remain some of the finest blogs this site has ever produced.

On second thought, Marry can be creepy as fuck too because of this Stevie Janowski wannabe.





That “keep secrets” part gave me a Sandusky-sized chill up my spine.

As did this:

According to FOX 17, some of the students named have special needs.

Jesus Christ

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