Donald Trump Forced Chris Christie To Get The Meatloaf At A Dinner Event

Donald Trump Holds Super Tuesday Election Night Press Conf. In Palm Beach

So this story just broke. At a dinner event, Trump let everyone order whatever they’d like, except Chris Christie. He made Christie get the meatloaf. Obviously want to be as neutral as possible so I sourced the story from several different outlets from both sides of the political spectrum.

Huff PostOn the “Boomer and Carton” sports radio show, Christie said he had been invited to Washington with his wife for the event.

“This is what it’s like to be with Trump: He says, ‘There’s the menu, you guys order whatever you want,’” Christie said, according to audio posted online. “And then he says, ‘Chris, you and I are going to have the meatloaf.’’’

“He tells you what you’re eating?” cohost Craig Carton asked.

“Yeah, and I said we’re going to have the meatloaf?” Christie replied. “And he said, ‘I’m telling you, the meatloaf is fabulous.’”

Carton: “Did you have the meatloaf?”

Christie: “I did.”

Carton: “It’s emasculating.”

Christie: “No it’s not.”

Carton: “Another man tells you what you eat and you eat it? Not acceptable. I don’t care who he is.”

Daily KosDonald Trump made Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) eat meatloaf this week.

At a White House meal, Christie said Thursday on a New York radio station, Trump allowed other guests to order what they wished from the menu, but …

Talking Points MemoNew Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) may not be a part of President Donald Trump’s White House team like he’d hoped, but that doesn’t mean he’s done taking orders from the President.

Christie said that when he visited the White House on Tuesday, Trump made him order meatloaf, while everyone else was free to order what they wanted.

Boston GlobeNew Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says President Donald Trump made him order meatloaf when they dined together at the White House this week.

Christie and his wife, Mary Pat, joined Trump at the White House on Tuesday.

The Republican governor said while guest hosting a New York sports talk radio show Thursday that Trump pointed out the menu and told people to get whatever they want. Then he said he and Christie were going to have the meatloaf.

New York TimesNew Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says President Donald Trump made him order meatloaf when they dined together at the White House this week.

Christie and his wife, Mary Pat, joined Trump at the White House on Tuesday.

The Republican governor said while guest hosting a New York sports talk radio show Thursday that Trump pointed out the menu and told people to get whatever they want. Then he said he and Christie were going to have the meatloaf.


Wedding Crashers reference.

And that was blogging the Christie/Trump meatloaf story.